
Daddy [speaking to our two year old, about a woman on tv that was fully clothed, joking, believing his son wouldn’t know what he was saying]: “look Bubs, boobies!”

My two year old: (calmly) “mommy has boobies”.

[Both our mouths drop open in complete shock]

Daddy: “what?! Bubs-what did you say?

My toddler: repeats himself, matter-of-factly “mommy has boobies!

We’re both in total shock, immediately asking each other “how does he know that word?! Did you teach him? Oh my gosh I can’t believe he said that!”

We’re still laughing about this one!


I introduced my children’s father who I called “BD” (baby’s daddy) in my last blog because this blog was my creation, and it’s not my intention to take away his anonymity without giving him a choice. Since I enjoy having my blog, I won’t be giving him a choice but I’ll be happy to give him his privacy. *wink*

As I mentioned earlier, he was a father with no custody when I met him five years ago. Many years before he’d made a choice for his boys to be with family he trusted to provide a stable environment that he considered himself  unable to provide. Back then he was a single, hard working business owner with odd hours and sometimes long days. Fast forward to today and the oldest, who will turn 19 this summer, is living on his own just a few miles from our home after he moved in with us at age 16. We’re proud of the changes he’s making in his life, as well as his younger brother who’s  learned some difficult lessons since moving into our home at age 13. It was clear that both teenage boys needed the tough love only their dad could provide. His life had changed from when they were babies; he worked hard to create a more stable family with structure to enforce limits and love & support, preparing him to take on the responsibility of helping the boys become respectful young men.

It hasn’t been a perfect transition by far but a necessary process of adjustment for all of us. It’s tricky to find the best way to describe our family. Now it helps that most days, we feel like we are finally getting the hang of it. Overall we feel confident that we’ve made the right decision moving them into our home. Their baby brother absolutely adores his big brothers. Seeing his happiness and the love between them absolutely melts our hearts! It is living proof that they needed each other, along with dad. Now there’s no question that I was meant to be a boymom.

At first I didn’t even introduce myself to them as a stepmom-can you imagine how tough that is? Coming from a grandparent’s household to a “dad & stepmom’s” home? [With a brand new, “younger” but very naive baby momma.] Things have changed dramatically since those first days of our very cautious steps forward. I’ve learned so much that was never expected. Now I truly cannot even describe what a proud mom I am, of our boys – ALL of them!!

I was inspired by this video and article so I had to share!

God Gave Me Sons

Full article here