I’m really interested in reading articles and blogs but now I’m looking at them differently. I’m reading with intention… with a more critical eye, an explorative intent to include in my blog.

I just finished this one:


I wondered others’ opinions on this idea. As I discussed in my last blog, I’ve had a habit of letting outside sources tangle my thinking, resulting in a loss of focus on the positive path my family and I have committed ourselves to.

Do you only allow yourself to feel motivation from an internal source or do you allow yourself to gain determination from external negativity in the world, as well?

Should you allow outside sources, i.e.: politics, current societal problems, other people’s issues that really do not affect your everyday life or allowing others stress to cause you stress too! [Empaths do tend to struggle in this area and I’ll do some research to provide credible sources for that opinion when I can.]


Now back to the topic – it’s really hard to stay positive, y’all. I’m dead serious. I don’t know if anyone else struggles with taking in others emotions, but for a therapist of course, this has a detrimental effect on those in the helping profession.

If you are like me, you can feel another persons pain. You can also feel their happiness! All emotions on the spectrum are included when an empath is in the mental health field or related areas of practice, maybe nursing? I’m sure there’s many but I only know what I’ve experienced myself.

We typically have a formula we follow to avoid those problematic circumstances for therapists or counselors. I’ve learned that setting firm boundaries are my number one priority, a strict and stable system in place for crisis or other unexpected situations that come up is hugely important too. Of course self-care, our own therapy, maybe our own recovery steps if it applies, medical care and/or treatment and a good health regimen are all crucial components!

What happens when you struggle to stay focused or set boundaries with your own family?

If your loving partner is by your side on your life journey, you both share feelings, stories, stressors, support for each other and all of those areas-at times, can intertwine or interfere with your own path. Have you experienced this? How do you stay vigilant in your own emotional process without allowing those areas of others to affect you?

Also, if you have a stumble in the area of letting your emotions be affected by someone else’s, what about those bigger areas, that I discussed briefly-societal problems, national politics, cultural changes? The list could continue if you allow it, right?

Even if you have what you believe is control of your emotional responses to just regular life circumstances; what if more negative patterns start to reach you because of the impact on your family?

How do you continue to battle your normal daily problems, poor habits and maybe even deeper barriers that are a struggle, then add on the worry or tension connected to the emotions of your partner, parent, child or another important part of your world? On top of those challenges, how do you handle others you have set limits with but are capable of attacking you by hurting those who you love?

I’m excited to see how many email accounts are following my new domain! Thank you for your blog ideas that I plan to explore and I’m especially flattered to see those accounts not connected to my social media spending your time to read what I have to say!


Welcome back-

See the reality of mommy/wifey life-through the unique lens of a licensed therapist and clinical supervisor.

To the new, improved site! I officially own my OWN name on the internet! Haha! Ironic?

After changing my theme about a million different times on the old blog, adding my own personalized graphics and re-evaluating the purpose of a blog, I decided to try a facelift and a β€œheartlift”! πŸ˜‰

Blogging is a really powerful process because it keeps me inspired to grow, positive about my life and future, hopeful and centered. But I had the β€œhiccups” when writing my last blog and lost my focus!

Blogging is also a learning process, and I’m an always-changing, ever-growing and forever-inspired, IMPERFECT person. New mantra (along with my little family, but only I can control my choices): my journey is such a beautiful and incredibly rewarding experience. Why would I waste a second on negative energy, when I literally have the best things in life? The only things that truly matter!

View original post 139 more words

Welcome back-

To the new, improved site! I officially own my OWN name on the internet! Haha! Ironic?

After changing my theme about a million different times on the old blog, adding my own personalized graphics and re-evaluating the purpose of a blog, I decided to try a facelift and a “heartlift”! πŸ˜‰

Blogging is a really powerful process because it keeps me inspired to grow, positive about my life and future, hopeful and centered. But I had the “hiccups” when writing my last blog and lost my focus!

Blogging is also a learning process, and I’m an always-changing, ever-growing and forever-inspired, IMPERFECT person. New mantra (along with my little family, but only I can control my choices): my journey is such a beautiful and incredibly rewarding experience. Why would I waste a second on negative energy, when I literally have the best things in life? The only things that truly matter!

1) My gift from God – my son, my child I birthed;

2) My partner & my rock! The absolute love of my life.

3) Plus-the icing on the cake, a fulfilling career and wonderful friends who I’ve chosen to surround me.

With these components, *everything else* is manageable!

See how easy it is to lose focus when you get tangled up in things that are meaningless in the big picture?

So here we are! New name, hopefully by publish time there will be a new look, and NOW on a new track with some practical life goals!!

Stay tuned, my friends! I’ve missed this source of incredible satisfaction to verbalize my flaws, my process of change and my outline for a successful LIFE!!

Thank you for sticking around throughout my first growing pains!


the inspired therapist πŸ’™