Memorial Day

What a truly magical weekend for us in the U.S. Think about it! We are blessed to be citizens of the most fabulous country in the world so I hope we all are teaching our children to acknowledge those lives lost for our freedom!

I hope everyone reading this blog thoroughly had nothing but love in their hearts, good food in their bellies and were surrounded with family & friends enjoyed their special weekend.

We are a camping, boating, fishing, playing and enjoying-outdoors kind-of-family. Typical weekends we are never home, but with the temperature already in the nineties and the humidity already miserable, we spent almost the entire Memorial Day weekend together at home inside the air conditioning.

This was anything but typical for our family this year. Staying inside usually bores my rambunctious, high-energy boys (including the biggest one of the three, daddy); however, it seemed I wasn’t the only one enjoying wearing my pjs all day!

There’s great value in taking a break from the stress of the daily grind and multiple activities to enjoy your family time. It was a great opportunity to sleep in and enjoy relaxing time together. I just hope that my boys all realize the value of their time spent because in comparison with others in the world. We’re beyond blessed…

I love my boys so, so much!!


Amy Phelps-Craig, LPC