Visualizing Our Goals

In my old blog, I used to post pictures of things I wanted. New devices coming soon or updated technology, specific outfits, maybe a brand I was into… At the time I had no intention of bragging about materialistic things but I wanted to keep myself focused on the nice items I worked hard to buy.

It was my digital vision board. Pinterest is now the same exact idea. This was long before that app and I just thought I was alone in those ideas.

If I had a marketing mind and an inventive curiosity, I could have been a millionaire!

Of course, we can all look back and see what we could’ve done to be more financially secure in a world of opportunity and hindsight. As cheesy as it sounds: the truth is all I really ever wanted was a family of my own. Everything is sort of secondary to the fulfillment I knew it would provide.

When I finished my four year degree, I still didn’t have much direction for my future. I didn’t look at the world as I do now – as an endless amount of money to be made if you’re smart enough to find ways to make it. Back then I was naive and inexperienced! I’m so grateful to have found my passion as a psychotherapist. Money, however-wasn’t exactly my motivator.

If I could mold my child into the adult who makes the best possible choices that result in an abundance of wealth-absolutely! I would try my best to teach smarter business skills than my own! But knowing that money is not going to be the sole path to happiness, I could never force a specific route for adulthood. Just like every other parent on the planet, I want my children to never experience any pain, struggle, problems (other than a normal way to learn) and so I hope for them to be at the least, self-sufficient and content. Obviously this independence and comfort can be a variety of different things but for me, I hope for my child to experience having a career as well as a family. Isn’t that what we all expect for our children – just a more lucrative career than our own…

I use a specific technique as a therapist called “reframing” and at times “visual imagery”. These are carefully designed to show a client a new way of seeing their life, thoughts, feelings and even goals. I work best with visualizing goals myself basically because I’ve always struggled to finish projects, follow through with objectives in my life or just at times, have limited focus.

This blog is a good sounding board to visualize those goals and to gain feedback for possible ways to increase visualization techniques for myself and to teach my clients, children and supervisees.

Please feel free to add some ideas or resources to help!

I’ll be creating a vision board soon so stay tuned for the newest page on my blog!

