It’s Labor Day…

and I’m the only one awake at my house. What a perfect day for a late afternoon nap, right?

All my boys are sawing logs; I’ve accomplished all my chores – you know, laundry, dishes, mopping & vacuuming, so as soon as it’s time to work on my laptop in bed (my favorite way to do my documentation), unfortunately, I’m not able to log in to my EMR (electronic medical record, for you non-therapists out there).

NOT good.

I’m pretty much always content to see an error message as I’m logging in to work (I’m being honest) EXCEPT when I’m SUPER behind – like today. There’s nothing I can do about this problem, so next topic! Let me tell you about what contributed to the problem of getting behind.

Raise your hand if you live in Oklahoma!

Raise your hand if you (may live in another state but continue to) struggle with outdoor allergies… and absolutely despise the tons of ragweed and pollen flying around outdoors!
Problem number 1: Oklahoma Allergies.

If I could go back and change one thing a week ago I would have taken Benadryl the minute my throat started itching. BUT I didn’t and I feel like a lost a week of my life. I’m still totally congested and taking my medicine but I really feel like I got clotheslined off a  horse last week out of nowhere! It’s been rough! *and I’m a bit dramatic… wink*

Thankfully we’re enjoying the long weekend so I’m getting some extra rest and hoping to get back to normal! I desperately need a productive week to get my confidence up. When something happens out of my control that contributes to my own worst enemy: my.. Problem number 2: Procastination.

THIS HAS BEEN MY BATTLE FOR AS LONG AS I CAN REMEMBER. I take steps forward but I never truly conquer it. I have made improvements over the years, but it still holds me back.

Because I wasn’t expecting to get ill – as in, I had to physically lay in bed which made it difficult to juggle my regular daily responsibilities, I got further behind in my work tasks which made me feel helpless. This is a huge contributor to my own anxiety. In therapy-speak, I’d call “feeling helpless” a ‘trigger’. I’m insightful and self-aware enough to know this but for the week I struggled, there wasn’t much I could do.


Now, thank goodness I’m starting to rebound, and I have major plans to get back on top. I’ve found some recent motivation in my newest book. It’s called “Girl, Wash Your Face” by Rachel Hollis. Have you heard of this author? She’s got a huge social media platform, is an entrepreneur and most relatable for me – a mommy. I’m usually most interested in autobiographies or memoirs, especially psych-related. Since this is more of a memoir, and it’s super popular, I had a feeling I’d like it! And I do! I’m definitely enjoying it. I’d love to know YOUR thoughts or feedback about this book or other books you recommend.

I’ve also been into podcasts for a long time and have discovered some great ones! Anyone interested in a book or podcast-specific blog? I’d love to share my faves and get some input for my playlist!

Leave me comments and I’ll absolutely participate with you guys!

I hope everyone is enjoying their Labor Day – I’m hoping I will be able to log in and eventually be able to work this evening. After having a free night without my toddler, lunch with my sweet parents that are always there for us when we need a night off plus an awesome time with our 15 year-old, I definitely feel like I’ve had a SUCCESSFUL weekend!


Hope you enjoyed some pictures from the past week or so. Don’t forget to leave a comment about your favorite books and/or podcasts!

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