Here we are, September.

Guess who finally got that necessary productivity that fuels my passion to be a better therapist and the confidence to make steps to be more profitable in my career!?

Me! I had the week I needed to get myself back on track! I needed to get my loose ends tied, some direction on my plans for the future and most importantly, technology tackled to be free to see my clients without a burden like many hours of paperwork being incomplete because of details that I had no clue to fix.


The feeling I had when I left work Friday evening was so freeing. Admittedly, I feel a similar relief at the first of the month when I finally complete all outstanding documentation, but this was different. After having a week of being sick, the ongoing tech issues and my plans for my traveling area being more unknown-I needed reassurance. I needed a good plan. Now, I’m comfortable. More sure of myself, my schedule and my sidekick (that trusty laptop that all therapists depend on like a lifeline), I can hit the ground running to new adventures!

Being a licensed therapist in the state of Oklahoma, I have many opportunities and endless options to provide my services. I’m looking into a new idea I’ve written a blog about before but I’m waiting until I know more details to tell you guys more. One of those ways is being in different school settings. I’ve got closer school districts since our move that I’m looking forward to visiting consistently.

All this talk about the upcoming school year brings me to the topic of the fall season…

Anyone else excited for the changing weather? Call me basic, call me whatever you want. I own it.

Amazing pumpkin spice candles, cardigans and hazelnut coffee – yes please! I’ve been looking forward to wearing new hoodies and even dark colors on my nails! I got the best pair of ankle boots on the planet a couple weeks ago, I’ve been steadily stocking up on the wardrobe changes and GIRLLL, you know I’m already back to my brunette hair color! *basic white girl hair flip*

I love it all. From the cinnamon smell to the dark colors-give me some mustard yellow, dark purple and crimson, even the gorgeous accessories and football… literally ALL of it. I’m READY for fall!

Who else is ready?

One more thing: Each fall I look forward to my birthday coming and this year is no different except that I decided I needed to ask for something totally out of the ordinary for me!

For a least ten years I’ve wanted a nice camera. I’m talking about a Canon Rebel or similar, because I’ve realized that I tend to document my son’s life more than I’ve ever cared about taking pictures prior to him being born!

If anyone has any advice about cameras, maybe the best quality for reasonable prices? Please let me know!

Thanks for reading my thoughts!


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