Book addict

I’ve neglected my blog for a while lately because I’ve been reading religiously. I kept having ideas like I needed a Kindle or something instead of my iPad mini that my toddler has taken over as his own, then my sweet hubby has an even better idea.

He says, “babe, you’re buying books all the time when you can spend a little money on an upgrade and get a new iPad (you deserve it)”…. okay, I added the deserve it part. Still, what a great idea!

So, of course I did lots of research and decided on a new iPad, giving the credit where it was due! It was shipped in two days! I’m in love. It has been going to work with me, I’m doing paperwork on it and I’m planning on picking up a mini keyboard!

I looked for a specific book for two weeks recommended from a colleague/supervisee and downloaded it within seconds on my iPad. I finished it in five days. I actually only had time to read in the evening and my problem of not being able to read in bed because it woke up my hubby? No more. It changes the lighting in the dark so it’s only a black screen with dim white letters, no bright lights!

The book is called January First by Michael Schlofield. If you are interested in medicine, mental illness or you are one of my therapist followers-check this book out if you have a chance. It’s nothing short of amazing!