Blessings on blessings on blessings.

Remember when I was throwing around the idea of a new camera? I was on the verge of asking for a new DSLR Canon Rebel (which is not completely out of the question) for my birthday, coming this SUNDAY, by the way. I even considered buying it for myself from “my boys”.

I fell in love with the portrait setting on my phone last year and recently found out the newest iPhone has this setting for the front camera as well.

Continue reading “Blessings on blessings on blessings.”

Just boymommin’ …

I’ve been working hard to get caught up with all my paperwork, and I wanted to take a break. I laid down with my son as he was slowly waking from his nap. He said, “Mommy, lay down right here (points to the other side of his body where I can’t physically fit) and close you eyes, scratch my back and go nite nite with me.”

In this moment I’m describing, I feel this overwhelming intensity of LOVE.

This happens to me often but this time I tell myself to actually feel it.

I’m usually behind on something, late for just about anything or have some task to complete. I realized that I’m embarrassed to say, I’m not letting myself TRULY feel those moments. Not like I should anyway.

The more stress I feel, the more tense I am, and I’ve just realized I am snappy with my baby boy.

That baby boy that has no idea how much he is loved. Or how intense that love I feel for him is…

I decided I need to blog about him. He’s my three year old son! My baby boy! The baby that changed my life forever.

He says the sweetest things to me and others, but here are some of my favorite:

    “Mom, thank you Mom” (it bothers me sometimes when he says ‘mom’ instead of ‘momma or mommy’ but the cutest thing ever is repeating himself)
    “Your turn!” Anytime he wants someone to do anything for him
    “I want you mommy” this is a new one and of course I love it
    When asked his name, “Ber-key Keg” his name is actually “Berkeley Craig” and I’ll probably cry when he can say it correctly!

I looked at my sweet boy playing independently this morning and I was so proud so I wanted to share a photo even though he fought to play with that deodorant too.

Also some of our weekend with another cabin at the lake so my boys could get some bonding time fishing and look how big our puppy is getting!

Some stories from the past weekend:

Also realized it’s August and now fall is just around the corner! So I’m visualizing some items that prepare me for my absolute FAVE season!

More coming soon…

Xoxo 😘


Blog visions + photos 🎀

I hope you enjoyed my Visualizing Goals blog! If you haven’t seen it, Read it here.

As I discussed in that blog, I’m hoping to share with my readers more than just my thoughts. I’m hoping to create a digital vision board! I’ve noticed a pattern in my blogs that I like and don’t plan to change. I discuss ideas, experiences and pose questions to my readers then try to share photos of my life. Obviously I love to share so why wouldn’t I continue that concept with things that benefit others and keep me focused on ideas of my own!?

I wanted to make sure my reasoning was clear for any need to post ideas, products or items. I also want to be careful to share where to find awesome stuff I love! I’m not partnered or advertising so I’m sincere in sharing things I actually use and of course what’s worth extra if I feel so inclined!

I see tons of lifestyle blogs now. Maybe because I’m not really on Facebook anymore and my taste has changed. I typically spend my social media time on Instagram so I’m noticing quite the trend in lifestyle blogs. I’m really a little more interested in mom blogs so feel free to share in the comments!

Lifestyle blogs are great, but the general idea seems to be – forgive me if this sounds hateful – basic…

These bloggers have awesome lives, please don’t misunderstand what I’m saying. I am just confused about how they actually support themselves. Sharing clothes with readers does not seem like it could pay my bills. Is this naive of me?

I know that influencers have specific opportunities on Instagram that others don’t. I’m pretty sure they have contracts with sponsors. Still, product lines and all, does this make up for not having a regular career? Maybe the ones I am wondering about are not actually business owners so I should clarify.

Hey, I’m excited for women to reach financial security – especially mothers!! Come to think of it, I’ve rarely seen too many men bloggers. I’ve actually never seen a dad blog. This is definitely showing me that I need to continue researching blogging and reading blogs. How are you supposed to be great if you don’t learn everything you can about the subject, right?

I did a little revamp of my Instagram and designed some cute pictures to organize my highlights. In doing that I noticed I only have 388 followers. Of course I’m a little picky about who I even allowed to see my Instagram, and have been keeping it private so I’m seriously going to have to start being more open if I actually want followers. Which seems to me like a no-brainer. Followers = blog readers, right?

And I used to make fun of my teenager when he would brag about his followers! Ha! The tables have sure turned.

Any suggestions? I’m ALL ears!

As always, here’s some awesome (and some silly) photos of my kids and fam from the past weekend at the lake for our nephew’s birthday.

Xoxo 😘

Making Memories 💗

I sure hope that if you’re reading this, you had a weekend as enjoyable as mine!

We got to actually get away to a little lakeside cottage resort that we visited about four years ago that’s been completely renovated. Along with our cabin, we reserved a poolside room at the lodge on the property for more family all in effort to celebrate our sweet boy’s third birthday!

A few close friends and family visited for the weekend, and we got to enjoy a huge pool, newly added splash pad and of course activities for the kids – all with a beautiful view of and access to the lake!

We had cake and snacks, my grill master was busy all weekend cooking hot dogs, brats and the goodies we all expect. But by far, the best part of the experience is how much fun our little boy had! He was showered with tons of gifts and had the most amazing time riding his brand new bike through the water fountains for hours while we all got to relax comfortably! This in itself is a huge relief as it makes it to at least 100 degree heat and almost 100% humidity during July, here in the mid-south.

I posted my fave photos on Instagram so of course I’ll share with my awesome readers too! And stay tuned for a blog I’ve been working to complete, inspired by the weekend topics of deep discussion after the kids went to bed. My favorite kind of discussion: NO children involved!


Mommy’s baby…


It’s so bittersweet.

I have a very special bond with him that I’m sure other parents know and feel with their children. I was so lost when God gave me my son. I told my little boy yesterday (I realize that his understanding of this information is limited) that mommy and daddy prayed for him before he was born. Right when God had brought me to the point that I was ready, boom! I found out he was growing inside me!

The rest is history!

I’ve never in my life felt more complete, truly happy and full of deep love. There’s nothing like the feelings that come with parenthood. I can’t even describe how thankful I feel daily. Each time I find myself upset about anything at all, I’m reminded of how amazing life is because of my baby boy.

I hope he feels extra special this year! I’ve never worked close enough to his daycare to run over mid-day to surprise him. I’m going to shower him with lots of love and attention in the morning, bring cupcakes to his class, then the whole family will be at the lake in a cabin for the weekend to celebrate! We’ve got lots of exciting details planned for our big 3 year old!

I’ll be posting lots of photos, I promise!

